
Welcome friends!

Thank you so much for coming by! Allow me to share a little of my backstory with you. COVA RAINE was the name of the fashion design company that my 13 year-old self created during my FashionTelevision obsession and clothing sketching phase. Though I loved it, I didn’t end up pursusing fashion as a career. Fast forward many years and multiple careers later, I wanted to create a blog that would espouse creativity, passion, purpose, joy, play, self-development and curiousity. Enter COVA RAINE, the blog.

I’m excited (and a little uncomfortable too) to share my thoughts, words, photos, ideas, and recipes with you in the virtual world.

My ultimate desire and purpose in creating this platform is to help inspire others to cultivate more joy, fun, curiousity ,and creativity in our daily lives.

After all, the present is our daily gift; we’re here to soak it all up in all ways imaginable. Let’s jump in!

Quick and Easy Curry Chicken Wings

Quick and Easy Curry Chicken Wings

Curry Wings, two ways: mild crispy and very crispy


Keto, paleo, easy, quick, curry, chicken wings

In love with wings but not the idea of all the work to make them?  Well, have I got news for you. Not only are they DEAD easy to make, but also in all likelihood, cheaper than any store-bought processed wings you can buy. I like to watch when quality meats are on special, then stock up and freeze. That way I can take them out when I need and I am still reaping the savings at a later date.  The other thing about store-bought processed wings is….just that. In most cases, there are all sorts of preservatives, unnecessary ingredients, sugar, and gross dipping sauces (sorry, I’m just not a fan of frozen packaged sauce). 

These wings are the bomb. Super simple to make, and packed with flavour. They were inspired by Rowe farms curry peppercorn wings, which they stopped carrying at my local mom n’ pop grocer….so necessity is the mother of invention, right. Once I figured out how damn easy and fast this recipe was, I haven’t purchased any other pre-made wings since.


  • They do have a kick, so if you don’t enjoy heat, cut the pepper and chili powder in half.  

  • Pair with some roasted veg, homemade coleslaw, or a beautiful salad and mow down. There usually aren’t any leftovers. Thank you, dear chickens, for the deliciousness of your bounty.

  • This works for roughly 20-25 wings, which is about 1 kg or 2.5 lbs. Best amount for recipe here is >1 kg, so about 2 lbs of wings.

  • So consider overall spice ratio per wing; less wings = more spice per wing; more wings=less spice per wing

  • For more foodie fun, try with 1 tsp cracked fennel seed or chipotle powder

  • Xtra spicy: Feeling bold and want to up the heat?  Add one tsp of cracked peppercorns for a textured intensified burn ( I love this!)

  • Adding the flour and cornstarch will render a crispier skin texture; so fun, but not critical to the recipe, so if you would prefer to try without, go ahead!

  • Also likely regular all-purpose flour could be used in place of chickpea flour if you prefer a grain flour.

  • Have any other wing flavours you’d like to try at home? Send me a message of your flavour fancy below. The test kitchen is always open for new ideas.


Crispy Curry Chicken Wings—2 ways

Prep time: 7 mins; Cook time: 30-35 mins



1 pkg (~ 1 kg or 1.5-2 lbs) wings  (for this recipe I used 1.12kg/ 2.5 lbs)

2 tbsp olive oil ( you can use grapeseed or avocado oil as a substitute as they have a high smoke point)

½ tsp each of turmeric, chile flakes or cayenne, black pepper, oregano  

1 tsp paprika (smoked paprika if you have it)

1 ½ tsp. chili powder

2 tsp each of cumin, curry powder, garlic powder, sea salt

Extra-crispy addition:

¼ c chickpea flour

3 tbsp cornstarch


STEP 1: Preheat oven to 425F/220C. Take out a large cookie or baking tray, and cover in parchment paper.

STEP 2: In a small bowl, mix all dry ingredients together to form your spice mix (add flour & cornstarch in this step here if you want to use).

STEP 3: In a large bowl, place wings and drizzle 1-2 tbsp olive oil on the wings and toss thoroughly to coat wings.  Evenly sprinkle the spice mixture over the wings and toss or stir to coat. Do your best to coat and evenly distribute the dry spice mix on the wings.

STEP 4: Place on parchment sheet on baking sheet and place in oven at 425F. After ~14 mins, turn over the wings, and cook for another 14 min, or until chicken skin is crispy to your liking. Remove from oven, let cool for 3-4 minutes, and then chow down!





STEP 5: Mangia time!!

STEP 5: Mangia time!!

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Part I: Where Do you Build Your Sandcastles?

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