
Welcome friends!

Thank you so much for coming by! Allow me to share a little of my backstory with you. COVA RAINE was the name of the fashion design company that my 13 year-old self created during my FashionTelevision obsession and clothing sketching phase. Though I loved it, I didn’t end up pursusing fashion as a career. Fast forward many years and multiple careers later, I wanted to create a blog that would espouse creativity, passion, purpose, joy, play, self-development and curiousity. Enter COVA RAINE, the blog.

I’m excited (and a little uncomfortable too) to share my thoughts, words, photos, ideas, and recipes with you in the virtual world.

My ultimate desire and purpose in creating this platform is to help inspire others to cultivate more joy, fun, curiousity ,and creativity in our daily lives.

After all, the present is our daily gift; we’re here to soak it all up in all ways imaginable. Let’s jump in!

Recommended Reading:  Educated

Recommended Reading: Educated


An excellent read. Tara Westover gives you a focussed glimpse into her childhood upbringing and family of origin, lumps and all. Many ‘WTF???’ moments in the story of her life thus far.  She, a survivor of abuse and radical religious indoctrination, weaves her family history from a place of frankness, humility and eventual probing. Her story is an incredible example of surviving and thriving a difficult childhood.  Her story shines a light on the struggle for personal truth; it includes the gaslighting, suffering, breakdown and reckoning that comes when one needs to fuse the present with their past, and excavate the deeply-engrained damaged beliefs of self and world that that have become roadblocks to her own personal liberty and happiness. Westover clearly demonstrates the struggle of thriving when what you are and what you believe about yourself are in significant conflict; she displays how the family unit and that desire for love and acceptance can become crippling and dangerous in a dysfunctional family. Lastly, she shows us the challenges in the journey is to heal and come to terms with the shame, pain, and dissolution of a dangerous and traumatic family narrative. Some bridges can be mended, and some may remain broken. Regardless, new personal paths are forged in love, truth, and acceptance.

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Recommended Reading:  The Secret Life of Fat

Recommended Reading: The Secret Life of Fat